Brain Tumor: Know the symptoms, treatments and diagnosis

The brain tumor is regarded to be an abnormal tissue growth taking place in the central spine or the brain. The brain’s proper functionality depends upon it. This problem is referred to by the physicians, based upon the location of origin of the tumor cells and if they are benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Brain tumor types

  • Malignant: It comprises of cancer cells, while not having clear borders. These are life threatening, since they grow very quickly and invades the surrounding brain tissue.
  • Benign: It is considered to be the least aggressive type, originating from the cells within or enclosing the brain. Cancer cells are not present in it, and grow slowly, having clear borders.
  • Metastatic: It is the secondary type which starts in the body part before spreading to the brain region. They are quite common when compared to primary brain tumors.
  • Primary: Tumors initiating in the brain cells are known as primary brain tumors. It can spread to the other brain parts or the spinal region.

Whatever be the type of cancer that the person has been affected with, brain tumor treatment cost India being low, it is now possible to get immediate treatment.


There are series of tests conducted on the patient, if the physicians suspect brain tumor, to determine the type and treatment to be provided, as well as to monitor progress of the treatment. The common symptoms include the following:

  • Numbness affecting the legs and arms
  • Headaches
  • Memory problems
  • Walking and balancing problems
  • Change in hearing, vision or speech
  • Vomiting and nausea

Grades of Brain tumors

This type of disease has been classified into the following grades:

  • Grade 1: It is with slow growth rate that the normal brain cell type of appearing benign tumors takes place.
  • Grade 2: These are malignant tumors which appear less normal than grade 1 tumor.
  • Grade 3: These are malignant tumors which appear quite different from that of the normal cells and grow actively, while having that abnormal distinctive look.
  • Grade 4: These are malignant tumors having distinctive abnormal appearing cells which grow as well as spread quickly throughout the body.


The physician will first try to know about the symptoms faced by the patient and check in details, family and personal medical history. Physical exam is then performed including neurological tests. The following tests may also be performed if brain tumor is suspected:

  • Studies like MRI or CT scan can help provide the brain’s detailed images.
  • Angiogram involves use of dye as well as x-ray of the brain based blood vessels to identify signs of abnormal or type of blood vessels.
  • Biopsy might be required by the physician to determine if tumor found is cancerous or not. Through surgery, tissue sample gets removed from brain.
  • The various treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.

Since brain tumor treatment cost in India is low when compared to other developing countries and also accurate, it will be useful to avail immediate treatment to get immense relief.

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