Get Visually Attracted: 5 Advantages Video Marketing Can Offer To Businesses

In our fast-pacing world today, it’s crucial to find fresh and unique ways to make your business stand out among all marketers competing for your target audience. One way of reaching customers is through digital means, the video marketing.

Video marketing is already a favorite way of delivering content, but it’s indeed now proving to be more dominant, productive part of marketing strategy. In fact, a recent statistic shows that 51.9% of marketers consider video marketing as having one of the best return on investment (ROI).

Probably it’s the right time to learn about this method if you’re not into this game. If you want a bit more convincing ideas, take a look at the list of benefits that video marketing can offer to your business.

Increase Conversion Rates 

If you’re going to think about it, the effectiveness of video isn’t even that surprising. After all, vision is the most dominant sense of human nature. Most of the information transmitted in our brain is through visual. So if pictures can already increase engagement significantly, imagine what videos can offer to your business.

When connecting it with your business, video marketing can generate you a significant investment. According to another statistic, attaching a product video on your landing page or emails can increase conversion rate by up to 80%. Also, a video can lead directly to sales, in which 77% of consumers are convinced after watching a product video.

Effective Information Delivery 

When customers try to find out more about a business, they most probably want the quick details in an informative presentation.

Hence, a video is an excellent way to interact with your potential customers. In a short span of time, you can catch their attention, define what your business is all about, and why should they care.

Though you can you do that it through writing, you can do it faster and more memorable in a quick video.

Increase Yearly Revenue 

Video marketing is not just about intangible interests. It can also lead to significant revenue. Another study shows that businesses who use videos in their marketing increase revenue of 49% faster on a yearly basis compared to those who don’t.

Thanks to advanced technology, creating efficient videos no longer require a substantial amount in your marketing budget. You can produce adequate videos with your smartphone and a touch of planning.

The fact is, customers prefer simple clips that offers a stable explanation of a product or service instead of those polished and high-budget productions that can’t provide them with much information.

Build Trust and Connection 

Admittedly, trust is the foundation of sales and conversions. The entire concept of video content marketing is to build trust and create long-term connections. You can focus less on selling and let the customers come to you by providing them with useful and interesting information.

What’s more, video content most likely engages us and ignites emotions, and if we talk about capturing the audience, YouTube has become the most potent mean of social media to promote a brand.

Improve Mobile Marketing 

Mobile extends to grow as the primary method of accessing data online. With increased bandwidth and better technology, a video is now suitable for mobile marketing. In our generation today, 88% of consumers use their mobile phones to search for businesses in local areas.

Since mobile marketing influences a significant number of audience, it’s essential for companies to maximize this approach. Generally, video contents viewed from phones can reach your target audiences anywhere they may go, and can consequently extend the capacity of your mobile marketing strategy.


Though there are many effective means of advertising a product or service such as through emails and social media, including a short and educational video to them can be a more powerful way.

Sometimes, the benefits of video marketing are neglected, but adequately using this strategy can offer you great ROI, better conversion rates, and build a firm connection among your audiences. In addition to that, you can visit and other online sites to gather more information about how a video can affect businesses.


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