What to Do If You’re in a Ridesharing Crash

Many of us use ridesharing services like Lyft or Uber on a regular basis, calling on other drivers to get us safely to our destination. Crashes involving ridesharing vehicles are rare, but they do happen. If you’re ever involved in one, you’ll need to know how to respond – and what to do after the crash.

So what are the best steps to take in the aftermath of a ridesharing crash?

Stay Calm

It’s difficult to stay calm in an emergency situation, but it’s important to do so if you want to remain as rational and as effective as possible. Take a few deep breaths, avoid panicking, and think about the next few decisions you make.

Get to Safety

As soon as possible, get yourself to safety. If you were in the backseat of a ridesharing vehicle, observe your surroundings and if safe to do so, exit the vehicle. Depending on where the vehicle is located and the traffic flow around you, it may be safer to stay inside the vehicle momentarily. Otherwise, get yourself off the road and away from any moving vehicles. If you cannot move, call for help.

If you’re physically able to do so, you should help other people get to safety as well. Avoid touching or moving anyone who appears to have a neck or spinal injury, or anyone who is severely injured.

Prepare to Talk to a Lawyer

It’s important to talk to a personal injury lawyer after being involved in a traffic collision. Your personal injury lawyer will help you understand the nature of the collision, your legal options moving forward, and how much compensation you could win as a result of this crash. Though it’s not your top priority, it should be on your mind. You’ll want to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as you’ve taken care of your immediate priorities, such as getting medical attention and documenting the scene.

Report the Accident

If no one else has done so already, contact emergency services and report the accident as soon as you can. Make sure the police show up and file a report, and make sure you have your version of events recorded accurately in that police report. The police report will serve as an official record of events, so it needs to be as free from error as possible.

When contacting emergency services, make sure to inform the dispatcher about anyone injured on the scene. That way, they’ll be able to dispatch an ambulance to your location to treat the injured as quickly as possible.

Document the Scene

Once the police and an ambulance are on the way, take the time to document the scene. Take photos and videos of the damage, and take written notes about what you’re feeling. It’s also a good idea to take names and write down the personal information of everyone else involved in the crash. The more information you gather at this stage, the more it’s going to help you later.

Seek Medical Attention

Your first priority after the crash is over and documented is to seek medical attention for yourself. Depending on the severity of your injuries, it’s usually worth going to the hospital to get checked out; otherwise, make an appointment for yourself as soon as you can. The medical costs associated with your injuries will likely be compensated by another party, such as an insurance company or ridesharing company, so be sure to keep records of all the medical attention you get.

File a Report With the Ridesharing Company

Your lawyer may advise you to file a report with the ridesharing company you used during this accident. The ride sharing company likely has a policy in place for how to handle incidents like these. A report is the first step to getting the compensation you deserve.

Focus on Recovery

Focus on recovering from the accident, not just physically, but mentally as well. Be sure to attend all your follow up appointments, follow the recommendations of your physical therapist if applicable, and take time for yourself to emotionally recover.

Evaluate Your Legal Options

Finally, work actively with your lawyer to better understand and explore your legal options. An insurance company may reach out to you with a settlement offer, but it may or may not benefit you to accept this initial offer. Depending on the nature of the accident, it may be better to negotiate or file a personal injury lawsuit.

Being involved in a ridesharing crash is traumatizing and stressful, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. If you stay calm in the wake of the accident and do everything you’re supposed to do, you’ll minimize harm to yourself and maximize the compensation you can eventually win.

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